Review: Dead Alive 1992

2 min readAug 25, 2016


This movie is the ultimate example of a B-Horror Splatter-fest! Quite possibly the most hilariously disgusting movie I have ever seen, “Dead Alive” pairs outlandish slapstick comedy with revolting, and, at times, unrelenting, blood and gore!
This movie, set in New Zealand in 1957, revolves around a young couple, Lionel and Paquita. They go on their first date to the zoo, but Lionel’s smother — sorry I mean mother, does not approve of her grown son dating, so she follows them and is inadvertently bitten by the rare and vicious “Sumatran Rat-Monkey”. Now, apparently and unfortunately, a guaranteed side-effect of being bitten by this particular creature, is “zombification”! But first the victim begins to rot while they’re still alive…once they..ahem…“rot to death”… well that’s when the fun really starts and they reawaken, now 100% zombie! So, once Lionel realizes that dear-old mum isn’t going to stay dead, he attempts to keep her partially sedated and locked up in their basement… But that goes as well as can be expected and pretty soon he has a whole group of zombies to look after! And, inevitably, they escape and wreak unimaginable horror on a houseful of party guests…who, after being savagely ripped apart, also return from the dead as mutilated, ravenous zombies! This already ruthlessly absurd and utterly outrageous masterpiece. culminates in quite possibly the MOST outlandish ending scene ever made…(at least, at the time that the film was made..but possibly “ever”, though…seriously it’s really insane!), in which Lionel must face what remains of his..“mother”..and sever the power she once held over him.
“Dead Alive” is brilliant! It’s extremely clever, totally ridiculous and a whole LOT of fun! But you need to be prepared that the ‘revolting-factor’ goes off-the-charts many times during this film, it’s all in good fun, and since it was made in the early 90’s the effects aren’t super realistic… but it still might make you sick…enjoy! I did!

