Review: Enter Nowhere 2011

2 min readJan 14, 2017


Not a horror film, more of a psychological thriller, “Enter Nowhere” is fascinating and well executed. It seems to be very well-received based on internet reviews and ratings, it has been described as “riveting”, “suspenseful”, “enthralling”, “superbly acted”, and “brilliant”. As with all films of this nature, there are those who consider it “predictable” or “obvious”, however, there are also those who say they were successfully “kept guessing”, personally, I didn’t see anything coming, but I typically don’t when it comes to plot twists and endings.
“Enter Nowhere” is a strange and inventive film about three strangers who each, inexplicably and individually, find themselves in a mysterious woods that seems to be home only to a small shack. It becomes apparent to the trio that leaving the woods is not an option when every attempt to walk away from the shack only results in somehow returning to the shack… Things become more crazy when, after talking (rather, arguing, the three do not get along at all) they realize that not only do they all believe that they are in completely different locations, they also discover that they each believe they are in different decades! “Enter Nowhere” is an engrossing and elaborate film about three down and dejected strangers who are given the opportunity to change their wretched lives for the better when they find themselves somehow transported to a time long before any of them existed. Of course they need to figure out why all this is happening, and how to get back to their own timelines.
I really enjoyed this movie, as far as I’m concerned the story was rightly composed so as to lead the viewer to the conclusion at the correct moment, and not before. I also, for the most part, really liked the ending, I thought it was clever and very well done, and that is quite the rarity with films like this. I confidently recommend this film to anyone and everyone.

