Review — Host 2020
“Host” is a truly brilliant film, it is mindblowing how current this movie is, add that to the style of a POV/found footage horror movie using the newly popular platform “Zoom” and you will FEEL like you are part of everything that’s going on! With a refreshingly short runtime of 56 minutes, this movie is all action and pretty much no filler. Because of this, I really don’t want to say much about the plotline, I would certainly hate to risk ruining this one for anyone! Suffice to say, “Host” is basically about a group of friends, all quarantined in their respective homes, who decide that Covid doesn’t have to stop you from holding a seance. That’s all I’ll say regarding the story. I will speak a little more to how phenomenal the film is in general, the use of Zoom, not only adds to the reality factor but also allows for so much to happen simultaneously, which means the content doesn’t suffer in the slightest due to the film’s minimal length. “Host" is a guaranteed must-see for any horror fan, best if watched in the dark, on your laptop, for maximum effectiveness. If you’re extra brave light your own candle ;) …actually don’t do that, too risky! Enjoy!