Review: Mayhem 2017

2 min readFeb 3, 2018


Incredible! Just phenomenal! “Mayhem” is funny and so clever, it’s so original and really it’s just everything you could ever want! This film is officially the best horror movie I have ever seen. It’s actually more like an action-horror, packed with gore and kills, but has a definite action ‘feel’ to it as well. I loved everything about this movie. I loved the opening explanation, and the intermittent sarcastic narration.. I loved the characters and their stories/motives. I also loved that everything I wanted to happen seemed to happen exactly the way I was hoping! Not to say that “Mayhem” is predictable…. or, if it is, then it’s in the BEST way possible.
A new virus has appeared and, in addition to causing an extremely bloodshot eye, it also causes it’s infected to lose virtually all inhibitions. Those infected with the virus can be silly, or ‘amorous’, or, of course, violent and murderous. Luckily the virus is not actually harmful to the infected individual, and it is also quite easily treated. So, when the virus is detected in an office building, the building is quarantined and the antidote is released… However, the antidote takes 8 hours to take effect, in the meantime… it’s Mayhem. Everyone is infected, everyone is stressed out, and everyone has been ordered to keep working (lest the company lose precious money). Derek Cho isn’t working though, Derek, the victim of a set-up, has just been fired, and, more than that, he is expected to take responsibility for something he not only didn’t do, but that could get him in trouble far more serious than losing his job. He’s angry, he’s infected, and he needs to get from the basement of the building to the penthouse to get his revenge on the big bosses upstairs before the quarantine runs out. He teams up with Melissa, a disgruntled client, and together, armed with all manner of grisly weapons, including a saw, a mallet and a nail gun, they make their way up, gladly terminating anyone who stands in their way.
The idea of a horror movie about a virus that completely suspends all control over impulses almost feels like a cheat somehow doesn’t it…? But “Mayhem” handles everything with such utter perfection that it just works! Because this film has such an ‘action/adventure’ feeling to it, (plus it’s funny) I am going to go ahead and recommend this to anyone and everyone! It really is an excellent movie, you won’t be disappointed, you couldn’t be.

