Review: Stitches 2012

What a movie! “Stitches”, categorized as a “horror-comedy-fantasy”, is a wacky, bloody masterpiece. It’s dirty and vulgar, and truly insane, and could end up being underrated due to it’s very rough edges. However, it’s all the clever little details, things in the background, the cinematography, the clothing worn… they’re what brought this film close to magnificent.
“Stitches” is a British-Irish film about a group of brats at a birthday party who inadvertently cause the horrific death of the “Stitches the Clown”. Stitches was admittedly a piss-poor excuse for a clown, but nevertheless, he was still a clown! And, as the legend in the movie goes, “a clown who does not complete a party will never be at rest” (yeah the clowns in this movie are very serious about being clowns, there’s a lot of ritual in this film). So, 6 years later, the birthday boy (and the most traumatized child at the party, by far) is still suffering some seriously twisted (and drawn out!) hallucinations regarding the clown… but, he has the house to himself… and he’s a spineless teenage boy… therefore, his friends pressure him into throwing a party (something he hasn’t done for 6 years) … Stitches, likely reawakened by the ‘gang’ reuniting, ‘crashes’ the party and seeks his grisly, zany, bloody revenge!
“Stitches” has a LOT of fun, many of the death scenes are beyond ridiculous, it’s as if killer clowns have the power to manipulate reality (something I’ve noticed in other ‘killer clown movies’ also) so the possibilities really are endless with this film, and it delivers.